21:002024. június 14.
15:002024. június 15.

Véres küzdelem után sikerült elfogni az ötméteres pitont - videó

Mike Kimmel kígyóvadász piton Florida
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Sikerült elfogni egy több mint öt méteres pitont, egy hivatásos kigyóvadásznak Floridában. Mike Kimmel karját meg is harapta a mintegy 70 kilós állat.
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Véres harc után fogott el egy több mint ötméteres pitont egy floridai kigyóvadász - írja a Fox News. Mike Kimmel egy hivatásos kigyóvadász, akinek az állam a befogott állatok mérete alapján kap bónuszokat.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

Yesterday’s solo #Everglades islands python hunt was another one for the books! At 8am I headed out into the swamp on my 14’ jon boat in search of an invasive #ManEater and at 11am I found her.... she wasn’t coming without a fight lol. I noticed her almost immediately as soon as we crossed paths, I could barely contain my excitement. She definitely was not afraid of me and started to slowly cruise through the vegetation as I carefully walked next to her trying to gauge exactly how large she was... because of all the grass and weeds it was hard to tell but I could tell she was an absolute monster. Her being tangled in vegetation makes the capture that much more difficult, a snake this size will use the vegetation as leverage and can literally pull you into the swamp, no stopping 150lbs of SOLID muscle. I knew going for her head first would be the easiest and safest capture method but I couldn’t turn down the chance to grab her by the tail and dance with the devil herself! As soon as I grabbed ahold of her I sealed my fate lol... no turning back now, she was coming for me! She immediately started to battle it out, taking strikes and pulling me into some tall grass with her, making it difficult to dodge her strikes... she was able to successfully get a bite on me. Only got me once but that’s all it took... I was punctured quite deep on my bicep and forearm, piercing an artery and hitting some nerves, I was lucky she didn’t latch on and that I was able to pull out of it. After loosing about a gallon of blood, lol, I was able to tire her out and get her under control. I then used a snake bag I had on my waist to tourniquet my arm because I was getting worried about how much blood I was loosing, better safe then sorry. I then had to drag all 150lbs of her alive, working to control my breathing so I didn’t pass out from blood loss and the extreme heat that day, I would have been screwed. After getting her to my boat, where my suppressed .22 pistol was, I was able to euthanize her before leaving (I didn’t have the proper bags for live transport because she was too large lol). Unofficial measurement: 17’ WITH kinks #RECORDBREAKER? Videos and more info to come!!

Trapper Mike (@pythoncowboy) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A vadász egy videót és egy fotót is megosztott az Instagram-oldalán a legutóbbi esetről.

Belevágta a fogait az alkarjába

A videón látható, hogy a kígyó teljesen a férfi lába köré tekeredett, a küzdelem során pedig a mintegy 70 kilós piton meg is harapta Mike karját, amiből ömlött a vér.

– Csak egyszer tudott belém harapni, de ekkor

elharapott egy eret és néhány ideget is. Szerencse, hogy később ki tudtam szabadítani magam – írta a bejegyzésében Mike. Végül sikerült a kígyót beletenni az erre a célra használt zsákba.

Kimmelnek van egy You Tube-csatornája is, ahol több hasonló videót is lehet találni, illetve a tervei szerint erről az esteről is készít majd egy hosszabb anyagot.

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