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iphone 6 chip
A Chinese technician tins the welding spots on a new 128GB storage chip before it is welded into an Apple iPhone 6 Plus 16GB smartphone being upgraded for storage boost at a mobile phone repair center in Chongqing, China, 1 November 2015. In China's unbridled marketplace, you can pay $5 for soap made from human breast milk, $800 to take a cosmetics CEO out during Christmas and $430,000 for a purple Bentley convertible once owned by a corrupt official. If you're an Apple device user, you can also now boost your iPhone's storage from the cramped-feeling 16GB standard to a cavernous 128GB for less than a hundred bucks. Mobile phone repair shops in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai have sparked curiosity on sidewalks and social media by offering the service, which appears aimed at the many aspirational Chinese device users who can't afford the roughly $200 premium attached to large-capacity iPhones. Some are offering the service through online shops on China's biggest e-commerce site Taobao. One such shop offers to upgrade an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus from 16GB to 128GB for 500 yuan ($79). Descriptions posted by several Taobao vendors indicate that the new storage chip is hand-welded into the phone after the old chip is removed. An unnamed software is then used to trick the device into accepting the unapproved hardware. Apple has long looked askance at efforts by users to customize their products. Shops offering the service warn that the upgrades void Apple's official warranty and advised owners of the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus to wait until their warranties expired before adding storage. The upgrades aren't likely to do much damage to Apple, which makes piles of money selling iPhones in China. The company's operating income in greater China, a region that includes Taiwan and Hong Kong, more than doubled year-on-year to $23 billion in the fiscal year ended September 23, largely on the strength of iPhone sales.
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A kép csak illusztráció Forrás: Imaginechina/Stringer

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