Egy furcsa kísértetváros, ahol csak másfél évig laktak

Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Üres házak, frissen nyírt gyeppel
Vágólapra másolva!
A kanadai Kitsault várost 35 éve elhagyták lakói, de a füvet ma is nyírják a házak körül, és az is elképzelhető, hogy egyszer ismét benépesül. Az alábbi írás egy korábbi cikkünk felhasználásával készült. Olvassa újra archív cikkünket!
Vágólapra másolva!

A világon sokfelé találunk olyan kísértetvárosokat, amelyet hirtelen elhagytak a lakói. Vagy azért, mert határterületté vált, vagy elárasztották vízzel, vagy azért, mert gazdaságilag ellehetetlenült.

Mit rejt a föld?

A kanadai Kitsault az utóbbi kategóriába tartozik. A Brit Columbia északi részén, az alaszkai határhoz közel fekvő települést 1979-ben kezdték el felépíteni – írja az Amusing Planet. Az alapítás mozgatórugója sok más hasonló sorsra jutott városhoz hasonlóan itt is a bányászat volt.

A közelben ugyanis molibdént találtak,

amelyet ötvözőelemként használnak, a molibdéntartalmú acélok nagy szilárdságúak, szívósak, savállóak és fényezhetők.

A környéken már közel egy évszázada bányásztak más fémeket, ezüstöt, ólmot, cinket és rezet is. Több kisebb települést emiatt alapítottak arrafelé, például a közeli Alice Arm és Anyox is ennek köszönheti a létét.

Kattintson az alábbi képre a galériáért!

Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)

Kitsault megalapításának ötlete akkor merült fel, amikor a molibdén ára megugrott a 70-es évek végén. Az amerikai Phelps Dodge bányavállalat hatalmas építkezésbe kezdett. Terrace városától építettek gyorsan oda egy 115 kilométeres murvás utat, a mély vizű fjordon pedig hajók hordták az építőanyagot a helyszínre.

Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)

A magas fizetések egész Észak-Amerikából sok mérnököt és építőmunkást vonzottak oda.

Több mint száz családi házat építettek fel, és hét apartmanházat is felhúztak, több mint 200 lakással.

A városkában volt egy modern kórház, egy bevásárlóközpont, éttermek, bankok, posta, kocsma, medence, könyvtár, két edzőterem pezsgőfürdőkkel és szaunával, sőt, még színházterem is. Az ott lakók kényelmét szolgálta a kiépített telefonhálózat és kábeltévé, valamint egy modern szennyvíztisztító is.

Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)

Másfél évvel az után, hogy az első családok beköltöztek, a molibdén világpiaci ára összeomlott. A bányák bezártak, a városka 1200 lakosa elköltözött, Kitsault pedig a feledés homályába merült.

De miért nyírják a füvet?

2005-ban aztán egy indiai születésű amerikai vállalkozó, Krishnan Suthanthiran megvásárolta a kísértetvárost 7 millió dollárért. Azóta az üzletember 25 millió dollárt költött a felújítására és karbantartására. Több mint egy tucat alkalmazott végzi a javításokat, nyírja a füvet, vágja a fákat és takarítja az utcákat manapság is.

Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)

A befektető természetesen nem önzetlenül vállalta a hatalmas költségeket a fenntartásra. Azt szeretné, ha Kitsault Brit Kolumbia LNG-központjává váljon. Hogy a földgáz cseppfolyósításához fűződő tervei bejönnek-e, és a kísértetváros újra élettel telik-e meg, az a jövő zenéje.

Kattintson az alábbi képre, és megnyílik a galéria!

Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking across to Alice Arm.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking at one of the lower subdivisions. Water system repairs underway.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Walking with the apartments in the background.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Entrance to the pub.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The pool with scum covered water.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The movie theatre.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Library.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The apartments were so late-70's/early 80's.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC In the hospital.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC The old apartment buildings.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Weight room.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC A ghost in the gym.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Looking down the mall.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Sears.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Visa before the sytem went online.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC Empty houses.
Continuing Education Day 5 Ghost Towns Tour Kitsault UNBC One of three "new" apartment buildings where we stayed the night with heat. light and running water. (Four were built but one building burned down.)


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